Five Overlooked Relationship Killers You Would Never Notice Coming


Elizabeth Smith has been sitting on her bed sobbing all night.

As she wondered what had caused the shocking breakup her boyfriend just did with her and she seems to have loved him so much.

Elizabeth fell in love with this guy she met at the party she was invited to, at her friend’s house.

The guy was nice to her when they get into a relationship whereas they were close and could share deep conversations about their lives.

They go out together to catch up on a movie at the cinema, he listens to her when she talks to him about something.

But all of the sudden, the guy seemingly starts to act oddly. He turns down every moment she makes up to be with him by giving some excuses.

He avoids everything that has to do with her, until the day she got a surprising breakup text from him.

But before that, Elizabeth seems overwhelmed and depressed with what she was experiencing and couldn’t tell what’s the course.

So are you in such a situation?

Does it seem difficult for you to picture what’s sabotaging or has already sabotaged your relationship?

If yes then what are disclosed below might be the course that wrecks your relationship.

1. Conflict Avoidance

True loving and caring individuals, that want a favorable and great relationship, aren’t worried about engaging in conflict, or disagreement with one another.

Because they know perfection, and dual priorities aren’t one of the characteristics, of human nature.

But to some extent, some people perceived being raged into conflict, disagreement, or quarrel with their significant other displays how an asshole, weak, or a jerk they have become.

And that they’ve got nothing to do about whatsoever they’re insecure about, no matter how bad it has been suffocating them.

As a result, most people who seem to be in a good relationship we admire, and placed High expectations on, turn out to be the worst.

Because they’ve been deprived of the esteem, the privilege to say out their problems or what has been suffocating them in their relationship.

How to spot it

If your partner seems calm. Or doesn’t respond negatively, when being upset with him or her. Well, His or he personality doesn’t contain the motive.

for some reason, some people get channeled into such a mood, to deviate from conflict because they might have lack certain information, about the disagreement.

Or They seem uncomfortable about the fear or feeling, thus they can’t expect to be listened to, understood, and empathized with no problem solved. Or pacifist goes with him or her.

How to effect a change

When being engaged in confrontation, with your significant other, Don’t walk away.

Give ears to his or her side of the story. And admit whatever unpleasant you both must have caused, by acknowledging the fact that it has happened.

Master the art of forgiveness, and never revive back past disputes.

On the other hand, The more you often get drift away, to outsmart being vulnerable or confronted by your significant other.

The harder you consistently get persuaded, to let out what is on your mind, by your him or her. And trust me, no matter how pacifying you have become.

Your reactions and responses won’t seem peaceful, because the issue has gone too extreme, and to the point, you can’t take it anymore.

2. Denying your partner emotional intimacy

One of the things that makes a working relationship, and get hold of it, for too long. Is when there’s mutual vulnerability.

Whereas, you both could open up to each other secrets, without the fear of being judged, spending some quality time together, being there for one another, and being supportive to one another.

But unfortunately, some people took the act of being vulnerable, as being a weak and cheap stereotype.

While for the others, it serves as a manipulative tool. Wherein they get it used, to get whatever it is they want, and whenever they want, from their significant other.

As a result, some couples barely cope with the relationship, because none of them could figure out, what is going on, in each other’s minds.

And therefore they can’t stand a chance to be fooled. And believed they could be used in any of them say a damn thing about his or herself.

How to spot it

Whenever it seems uneasy for you. to figure out some private details, about your significant other.

Or he or she, often seems speechless, about his or her private, or social lifestyle.

Or often comes up with excuses, to turn downtimes or spend subtle of it, when being together.

Well, he or she is precarious to vulnerability.

For some reason. he or she could seem that way.

but usually, the anxiety of being emotionally traumatized, exploited, or manipulated, makes him or her play dumb when it comes to one personal identity.

How to effect a change

Always open up about yourself, to your significant other.

Spend some quality time with each other, and be there for one another. if there’s anything you often feel insure about, that contributes to your inability, to be vulnerable.

Talk it with your therapist. Or get one if you are at loose.

3. Belittling

Do you feel undermined? Or your worth has been sabotaged, because of how mistreating your significant other, has seemed towards you, over time.

Well, meditate on this

There might be a lot of reasons, you get dragged, to the part.

But generally, some people belittle and undermine their significant other, Because he or she comes off low, by their standards.

And it seems impossible, for the individual, to fit into it, Because he or she comes off high, to his or her standards.

And what are these standards?

You rarely find yourself, being squad with your significant other, when he or she is hanging out, with the VIP boys or girls.

You get snubbed when being noticed in public, by your significant other.

You get regardless when being talked at.

And you lost your peace, when a task given by them, is unfulfilled.

How to spot it.

Whenever it happens, there is no respect, or mutual regard, in anything you do with your significant other.

Well, I’m afraid, you’ve been undermined, and consistently belittle.

How to effect a change

Maintain dual respect for one another.

Teach one another what must be known about or to each other, and never think you better, than your significant other, and that, you would want to be piloting the relationship plane alone, instead of you both.

4. Constant repeating same routine

Let’s set an example.

You have a song that often gives you goosebumps. every time you give ears to it, You feel energized and calm.

But one day as you play the song, you realize that it gets you the sensation and chills you aren’t used to.

As a result, It often kills your vibe, When given ears to it. You try hard enough to give it your full attention, while it is played, but seems difficult for you too.

Then you begin to contemplate traits to get rid of them and find another song.

That’s what happens, in a relationship wherein, a couple rarely tries a different routine.

Or some unique traits to improve their relationship well-being. I know the story is shot, but stay focused, you’ll understand the heads up.

How to spot it.

You both often find yourselves, talking about, one of your all-time favorite books, movie, or food recipes Overtime.

You both find yourself wearing one outfit when going out over time.

You both choose, to go to the cinema over time than to watch Netflix at home.

You often expect your significant other, to take care of the house, when you are out.

How to effect a change

Tried some new cool stuff, like talking about the trending books, movies, and food recipes.

Wear different outfits, when hanging out. And go see a movie at the cinema some time.

Remember, the fact that you are In a relationship doesn’t imply you shouldn’t have adventures to create new memories or traits, that will strengthen the relationship feet, while it runs on a track.

5. Being Over Possessive

A little bit of possessiveness is cute, in a relationship. because it’s one of the traits to make our significant other, realize how much we cherish them.

But where it sucks, a lot is when it’s overweight, the relationship. Whereas you tend to subjugate the entire life, of your significant other to your policies, with no giggle of empathy.

As a result, a lot of people I’ve come across, call their relationship a quit, because of how consistently, they are being controlled, Manipulated, and with no remorse.

The situation seems questionable. However, It’s usually the anxiety, or fear they are going to be left alone.

Forsaken or be abandoned by their significant other, ricks them to adopt the motive.

How to spot it

If your significant other, often Gets upset when a conversation, isn’t about his or her wants. Trust me, he or she is one of them.

Or you get restricted, from talking or going out with friends, especially for dinner or parties.

Or he or she often monitors your phone conversations and text messages. I’m sorry he or she is over possessive.

How to effect a change

Let him or her, realize that people aren’t a thing to be owned. Or controlled, and that person will always do what they want to do

Tell him or her how much you love him.

Sometimes, all that an insecure person needs is an assurance that you’ll never leave him.

Tell him how his or her possessiveness, makes you feel. If he or she loves you, he will understand and try to improve.

If he or she, still doesn’t change, then you can call it a quit, for his or her own good. At least, then he or she will realize his mistake.

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