You Need to Know These 7 Important Secrets Behind All Healthy Relationships


Jennifer has been sitting in her car for over thirty minutes. She constantly punches the airbag on the car steering wheel, aggressively.

She lets out an exasperated sigh, and then opens the door and shuts it heavily.

“What kind of life is this?” Why do all the men I’ve met behave oddly different after I’ve been in a relationship for a while?” She thought to herself.

And now she can’t just figure out what the hell is going on with the current in her current relationship. And she feel going crazy.

Somehow, the twenty-seven year old found herself in a complicated relationship, after seven years of being in four different toxic relationships.

But yet, she just can’t figure out why she keeps getting stuck, in the same branch of the tree, for years.

Do you seem to be in the same situation, as Jennifer?

Are you curious to know, what is like, to be in a healthy relationship?

Below are some of the secrets behind all healthy relationships.

1. Appreciation

Appreciation is the act of expressing gratitude for someone’s efforts, or the quality of being grateful with enthusiasm. It also means to express thankfulness for, and reciprocate compassion toward one’s efforts.

As a result, being appreciated for one's achievement will often make someone feel special, honored, and treasured.

It can also help someone regain their self-worth. Sometimes appreciation helps with motivation, to work out other given tasks in a mind-blowing way.

It also motivates couples to maintain romantic relationships.

People perceive romantic partners who express mutual gratitude as more favorable. This means they are likely to be more committed.

So if your relationship, is suffering from mutual appreciation deficiency, then you are likely to be less happy and comfortable with your significant other. Because you’d feel less important, less valued, and less honored. This might lead to less self-worth, which can eventually put your relationship, into a conflict zone.

2. Respect of boundaries

This means having some ground rules — and expressing clearly what you want, and what you don’t want.

Some people think of boundaries as being defensive, about what we don’t wish for in our lives. While this is true, boundaries are also about what you value, and what you want to see more of in your life.

As a result, boundaries clarify a couple's expectations and goals. And helps them define what they are comfortable with maintain a balance between each other.

Boundaries can also help minimize conflict among couples, and establish how they like to be treated among themselves.

So, if your significant other doesn’t respect your boundaries, or it appears tough for you both to get along without violating each other’s borders, it can be problematic. It’s OK to be concerned about. And if you aren’t, then the relationship isn’t going anywhere favorable. Without boundaries, the relationship will be sabotaged by conflict, disagreement, and mistreatment.

3. Trust

Trust involves opening oneself to the risk of betrayal and hurt.

We become vulnerable, and respectful, when we trust someone. When we trust someone, we believe they have our interests in mind, and that that they are dependable, reliable, and honest.

Some amount of trust is essential for relationships.

Trust is the foundation of all healthy relationship, as it makes couple to stick with one another, no matter the situation.

So if it happens, your relationship is suffering from trust deficiency, or your significant other rarely trust you, then you need to act now, because the less your significant other trusts you, the less likely the relationship can succeed.

4. Being Patience

Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances, and to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay.

As a result, being patient makes our significant other perceive how valued and cherished they are to us, as it enables us to see beyond, what we know about them.

If it happens you’re an inpatient, partner, or your significant other lacks patience, you will have a hard time letting a relationship develop over time.

5. Intimacy

Intimacy is the quality of letting someone see you in your unguarded state, being vulnerable together, talking about deepest dreams or desires or fears, being present together at the moment completely engaged in each other.

As a result, it deepens the relationship and helps with physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Couples are often intimate when they kiss, hug, cuddle, and sometimes have sex, while they talk out deep things, about each other.

So if you seem to be in a relationship, where you get a denial of intimacy from your significant other, it can wound you emotionally.

6. Giving Personal Space to Your Partner

Another secret behind every working relationship is that couples don’t just spend time together. Instead, they make time.

They find mutually convenient times to visit, hang out or be with each other.

But they also understand their partner has a live without them. The rest of the time goes to their private lifestyles, such as their friends, hobbies, jobs, and family.

And they respect and accept their partner’s life the way it is. They do not believe being clingy will make the ideal relationship.

7. Being positive

Being positive is an act of being self-aware, and in touch with your feelings.

When you are positive you rarely take things personally. You kick off anxiety while being assured that things will work out for the best.

When we are positive we can remain so even during disagreements — because there is mutual understanding and emotional maturity.

So if you seem to be in a relationship, where being positive is something difficult to do, reconsider why this is so. If it is left on checked, the relationship might just come to an abrupt end, because you both will experience conflicts and disagreements that cannot seem to be resolved without resentment.

Bottom line

Most of us seem to have a tragic mind-piecing story to tell. The same goes for all healthy relationships.

You can’t build an empire in one day but would take years or even decades to make one. So if you want to have a healthy relationship with your significant other, work on the above points.

The sooner you start, the sooner you will watch your relationship transform for good.

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