11 Qualities of a Good Man in a Relationship

Emmanuel facepalmed, as he sat alone in a restaurant, across the street.

He let out an exasperated sigh and then sipped one more time from his glass of water.

And he was like; Why does every woman I dated, often brokes my heart, by ditching me, with no significant reasons, despite all I’ve given up to them.

Somehow, The twenty-five-year-old found himself single, after five years of being in four different relationships.

And now he hasn’t yet figured out why all the ladies, he goes on a date with often dump him, to date other guys he seems to be better than, after some years of being in a relationship.

From the dude’s perspective, he’s a good guy, with a better version of qualities, every woman would wish for from their ideal guy.

But unfortunately, he isn’t. And the women he constantly dates, seems to be disappointed, and irritated with everything about him.

So, do you appear to be on the same page with Emmanuel?

Do you perceive yourself as a women ideal man, by thinking you’ve got great desirable characteristics?

Well, what I’m about to show you, are qualities of all good men exhibit, when it comes to handling women.

And it would change the way you perceive yourself when you’re with the lady you want.

1. They seem loyal

Loyalty is one of the characteristics possessed by all good men.

They stay true to the lady they adore by removing any extraneous entities from their lives to ensure that their women continue to find them desirable.

And for him to do so, he must have derived his admiring ideal qualities from the woman he chooses to be with.

So, if you’re dating a man who appears to be faithful to you in all circumstances, trust me, you have an adoring personality that he finds fascinating, or irresistible.

Good men, however, aren’t easily drawn to women that aren’t as good as they are, but, are easily drawn to women that have their own life, their interests, their own goals, and lives by their own rules.

2. They make you feel relaxed

Good men are easy to get along with. They oftentimes make the women they want, feel at ease and secure, by delving into what makes them emotionally happy when being together.

They take the initiative because they understand that women are emotional beings. As well as being influenced by it. As a result, the women they want should be emotionally calm, safe, and secure.

So, if you feel relaxed around the man you're with, oftentimes. trust me, he's one of the good men. And he knows that you deserve nothing other than happiness.

3. They seem sweet

Being sweet, Or romantic, is one of the qualities all good men possess. Especially when they’ve found the women they desire the most.

They get this as an initiative because they know, it’s their responsibility to make the woman they want, feel loved, wanted, and more desirable.

So if you with a guy who compliments you frequently, tell you how you mean the world to him, and bring you a surprise over time. trust me he's one of the good men.

And as long as you're with him, getting bored of him isn't something you'll ever consider.

4. They seem to be Responsible

Unlike the nice guys, and the jerks. Good men never shy away from responsibility.

Because they know it’s their job, to take care, of the woman they want, and what she needs to make life better, for both of them.

But for that to be persuasive. One needs to be strong enough, to take care of his responsibilities. And it’s only from that, that one is perceived eligible, to take care of someone else’s problem.

So, if you with a man, who often take care of your need, pays all your bills, even when you can do that on your own. Keep him, he is just the kind of man you wanted.

5. They seem Charismatic

Being charming is one of the traits that every good man possesses. They don’t get to chase after the woman they want halfway around the world, no matter how much they like her guts, but rather attract.

They passionately make everyone, when having a time by displaying a unique cool attitude. i.e being cheerful when creating an expression, either around her, or when having a moment with their boys.

So, if you’re with a man who seems charismatic around you or his fellows. don’t be surprised, if it happens to you. Keep him, because he could be just what you’re looking for.

Good men, on the other hand, never require the assistance of a woman. But desire to have a woman’s assistance.

6. They seem Dedicated

When it comes to dedication. Good men never grow cold, in what they want. Rather they go after whatever it is they want and make it their top priority.

The same goes for the women they desire, they’ll never change their minds, about the women they desire no matter how preoccupied, or busy they are.

Because they’re certainly theirs. and no one else could care for her, to their taste other than them.

So if you dating a guy, who never gives up on you, in a complicated situation, cares for you on a daily basis, a guy that makes sure you are alright, and everything is fine with you.

Believe me, he is without a doubt, a good man. And you should keep him no matter what.

7. They are Committed

Being faithful is one of the qualities, that point out all good men.

Besides, they lend the woman they desire, their selves, and their full attention, by ditching all kinds of unnecessary preoccupation, that will emotionally hurt her. I.e hanging out with other women, clubbing, and so on.

So if you are with a guy, who committed himself, only to you, despite having other commitments, to take care of.

Trust me, he is one of the good men. And believe me, good men never mess around, with their women’s duration. Because they know their worth.

8. They seem Respectful

One of the quality, all good men reveals, when they find the woman they desire, is respect.

They oftentimes, accept the woman they wanted, the way she is, and treat her with much respect. By showing her some special attention, or high regard, and how highly valued she is.

So if you are dating a guy, who frequently respects you, when talking to you, or you get infinite regard In all kinds of situations. well, believe me, the guy you are with, is a good man.

And every good man often treats the woman they wanted with respect, just as the way they want to be treated with respect as well.

9. They seem Supportive

One of the quality, all good men offers, the woman they want is being supportive.

They make sure the woman they desire, is never at loss, by investing in her, both emotionally, financially, mentally, and so on.

So if you’re dating a guy, who frequently invest in you in all areas of your life, a guy who never want to see you fail, a guy who supports your goals and desire.

Well, he is one of them, and don’t hesitate to keep him for yourself.

Good men, however, don’t give support, to a woman with no dreams, or goals. a woman who has no better plans for the future.

Instead, they do so to a woman with the opposite.

10. They are full of Confidence

Another quality all good men possess is high self-esteem because they know it’s the only trail to get past disappointment. And so, nobody wants to be with, a dull doormat guy as a partner.

But rather, with a confident gentleman. Every woman desires a man who is self-assured enough, to believe in his abilities and face the world with bravery.

They want a man who they could look up to, as their Superman that will show them off to the world, as the woman they desire. And want to be with.

So, if the guy you’re dating exhibits optimism, self-reliance, poise, deliberate speech, and congruence on a regular basis. He is, without a doubt, one of the good men.

And disappointment is not something you’ll find in him, no matter where you find yourself with him.

11. They are Persistent

It goes with a saying, that no good man ever gives up on the woman, he desires, regardless of the circumstances.

Because the lady they want, half around World, appears to possess something interesting, alluring, and priceless. That keeps him on the track.

So if it happens, you are with a guy that often sticks around you, even if you push him away oftentimes, spends lots of time with you, and prefers to hang with you than with his boys.

Believe me, he is one of the good men, and keeping him at all costs should be your top priority.

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