5 Secrets to Keep to Yourself in a Healthy Relationship

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash
The building blocks of a healthy relationship are integrity, comity, and, above all, honesty.

Honesty is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct along with the absence of lying, cheating, etc.

Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.
Keeping a secret because you don’t want to face responsibility, can create problems in your relationship.

Withholding facts or information your woman needs to know in decision-making is a harmful manipulation.

But, does she really need to know everything?

Being honest with your woman does not certainly mean you must share every single emotion, dream, fear, or fantasy with her.

In fact, honesty may be a double-edged sword in your romantic relationship if not handled with care.

Many couples have been in a relationship for a long time who have personal secrets that they haven’t shared with their spouses.

The sense of space and the sense of a private part of oneself is important to many people.

Some things if not concealed can ruin a successful relationship.

Below are 5 things men shouldn’t disclose to their women in other to maintain a healthy, long-lasting relationship.

#1. Your minor relationship doubts

Doubt is a perfectly normal stage in any relationship
No matter how much you love your woman there will always be an itty bitty space for doubt.

Having suspicions about your woman doesn’t necessarily imply those feelings of uncertainty are absolutely true, though they might be.

Doubt is a necessity, but never allow those mere doubts to rule your emotion.

Most therapists would urge you to communicate your anxieties to your woman, no matter how frightening they may appear, in order to build a stronger bond with her, but believe me when I say that confessing some of your reservations to her will threaten your tranquil relationship.

Imagine a mother informing her 16-year-old son that she has doubts about his father’s identity. Imagine the agonizing, sad emotion that follows such news.

That’s exactly what communicating some of your doubts to your woman may cause to your relationship, especially if those doubts have something to do with loyalty.

Sharing such suspicions with your woman will obviously raise insecurities which may compromise your relationship with your woman.

Take your time to process those doubts you have about your woman before sharing them with your woman.

#2. The negative things people say about her

The negative responses women hear about themselves have more impact on them than the positive ones.

Women not just women but people in general, give greater weight to criticism and remember them much often.

Telling your woman all the positive responses of people, family, and friends, towards her will lead to positive emotions, such as dignity and satisfaction.

Whereas telling her all the negative responses of people towards her will only result in negative emotions, such as disappointment and shame.

Not concealing all the negative responses your friends or family may have towards her will abruptly lessen her self-esteem which will technically implicate your relationship.

Negative feedbacks are very painful and are very difficult to recover from.

#3. Your past sex experience

So, should you tell your woman about past relationships?

As long as you know when and how much to share with her, you’re good to go.

Sharing your past with your woman is a way of showing vulnerability and honesty, which is essential for a healthy relationship.

But sharing your sexual experiences in detail with your woman might totally ruin your perfect relationship.

Though at some point in a relationship, the topic will probably come up.

Sharing your sex history with your woman will only leave her feeling insecure.

When it comes to your sexual history, you don’t have to discuss everything — it’s up to you and your woman to determine what’s important to you.

Or rather, if you think your sex life with your past lovers is more exciting than that of your current relationship, then endeavor to sit down with your woman and discuss ways in which you both can help improve your sex life.

But not concealing how great your previous sex experiences were will make her feel like she’s been compared to your past lovers which will leave her feeling insecure and uncomfortable.

#4. What you liked best about your ex

What’s the use of conversing with your woman about what you liked most from your previous partner.

Cause there will definitely be something you liked more about your ex.

Maybe your ex had a better sense of humor or was more fun to be with, regardless, it will probably bring zero benefits to both of you.

You should spend more time building on what you learned in your new relationship and not comparing the two.

Comparisons can complicate your current relationship and chemistry.

Instead of comparing, make an effort to accommodate her when doing the things that amuse you.

Nobody is perfect anyways.

#5. You prefer a bromance more than your

romantic relationship
The unfortunate truth is that young men who have had both a bromance and a romantic connection have found that a bromance brings them as much, if not more, enjoyment than a romantic relationship.

Often, when we hang out with our guy friends, we get greater joy and comfort than when we hang out with our romantic partners.

Men gain a greater understanding of one another as a result, and men feel less judged by their close male friends than by their female partners.

This makes most men choose to discuss personal matters with a bromance than a romance.

This is a secret that practically every male has and should never reveal to his woman.

If a lady learns that her partner favors his male buddies over his romantic relationship, she would be upset.

These are details that your woman does not require because they are painful and tough to recover from. It also serves no use for them.

So why not keep your secrets to yourself?

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