Six Most Attractive Qualities Women Wants In A Man

Some of the men I have come across have squandered numerous opportunities to date the most attractive women.

They didn’t have any intimate connections with them. They didn’t leave a breadcrumb trail for them to follow. They were simply turned down by them.

They did it because they appear to make an unimaginable and unpredictable impression, on those men.

On the other hand, it had led a lot of men, to think somewhere along the line, in their head that the only way, to make the woman they desire, to want them back is by giving too much, by trying too hard, and by doing all for her, in extreme.

And as a result, so many relationships today, are in a never-ending circle of tension, as a result of prioritizing such unfavorable traits.

However, men and women are designed and wired differently, in numerous aspects When it comes to understanding.

But it seems way too complex and unpredictable than you could ever imagine when it comes to understanding and handling women in a long run.

Meanwhile, your relationship with women, or with a lady you are attracted to, will work awesomely if you seem, to have been having a hard time dealing with them, as long as you would work on these qualities, I'm about to show you. So let's dive right into them.

1. Being a witty individual

Women find it nearly impossible, to resist any guys, that seem to have the quality, of being humorous.

because they are entertaining and seem safe to be with.

They have a good sense of creativity and possess a good skill of being observational. They are also social and could get along with almost everyone, who comes across them.

As a result, almost all women will desperately, strive for your validation if you have got these qualities, or seems to have possessed such trait.

Women, however, often headed to the safest and, most protected place. And if it happens you are one, well you are exceptional.

2. Being a challenge

A lot of guys out there consistently think, that being nice and accessible to ladies oftentimes, makes them likable, and more desirable to women.

And in the other hand, many ladies will tell you that they desire a man who will treat them nicely.

But unfortunately, they were insinuating the opposite, especially when it comes to women’s perspectives.

whereas they only want someone from whom they will have to invest a great amount of energy in order to obtain validation, from someone they find most attractive, and also make them theirs.

In other words, they only want someone who will make them work for their happiness.

And also, being undermined and disrespectful is what any guy, who appears to be too easy to handle, and too nice to women, would undergo. Because they often seek something they can’t get all at a time.

However, you could outsmart such embarrassment and humiliation, by not chasing, not giving so much, and not trying too hard, in other to get a lady.

Rather you make them, do these futures, by not being available either physically or emotionally too often, not being always agreeable, and not seeking for their validation oftentimes.

Meanwhile, prioritizing these characteristics, not only will make you desirable to a woman but will make tons of women, hopelessly go crazy and obsessed, with you.

Because, in their mind, they’d always be curious in trying to figure out, whatever it is you want, in other to please you to get your validation.

and trust me you'd do whatever it is you want, with them without going through any kind of stress.

3. Present yourself as high status

Women on the other hand, rarely get comfortable being with a man, or a guy, that is less significant than they do As psychology will say.

Because they are designed and built to seek attention and validation from men who appear more strong and capable than they are in every respect.

So if it’s happened, you have got no confidence in yourself, or you often get uncomfortable being around women, well I’m sorry no woman, is going find you attractive no matter what.

As a result, a vast number of women may view you as weak and avoid you if you appear to lack confidence or frequently seem uncomfortable when approaching women, or being in their presence.

However, you're going to have, a lot of exciting moments, and tremendous adventures with, multiple women and also, do whatever it is you want to do with them. if you would stay positive, with high self-esteem.

get comfortable and relaxed enough, when hanging out with them.

4. Being Unpredictable

Another quality that could make almost all women, go crazy about you, and also get thirsty to give you whatever it is, you desire from them, is being unpredictable.

being unnoticed of what you have got in mind.

It’s like playing a soccer game on your Playstation with one of the other boys, and then you got a penalty and were forced to play it off. However, in order to do so, you had to hide your DualShock to conceal your movements from his awareness.

Meanwhile, the same goes for women. They rarely find it hard to stick, with someone who doesn’t roller-coast their emotions, and their mind, Or seems to be too easy for them to figure out his intentions.

However, ladies, on the other hand, are wired to sick validation and attention, from someone, or something that has multiple routines, Because they don’t want to get bored.

And I can guarantee you that no matter what you do, you will never get to keep any woman you desire in a relationship, for a long period if you continue to engage, in the same pattern of behavior over and over again.

Because, inside her head, she’d be thinking something along the lines of, "Yo, I’m bored of all these," and then she’d probably start lusting after the attention of other guys.

5. Not being needy

Another quality that could make you more desirable to women, is when you don’t seem needy, Whereas You don’t get desperate when demanding whatever it is you want, from a lady.

Because they find it annoying, and irritating When you are giving so much, to them, which on the scene will make them think are in control, over the man they seem to find desirable.

Meanwhile, Women despise guys they can dominate. On the other hand, they will seek to subjugate you by demeaning your muscular nature.

And if they are fortunate, you will cease to play a substantial role to them, which will result in their finding you unattractive in the long run. There are no dramatic ups and downs, no serious lessons to be learned, and no secrets hidden.

Although other girls are so enamored with it that they would dominate the man they desire if they could.

However, a lot of women will routinely get away from you if you allow them to have power over you.

On the other hand, you could be more desirable and literally make any Woman, you want relentlessly chase you, if you’d put an end, to being needy.

Put an end to giving so much attention to women, in other to get validation from them.

6. Being dominant

Another, trait that brings all women to their knees, to the man that desires them is when they could be tamed by a man, that seems more masculine and stiffer than, they are.

Because, they are wired to seek validation from any man that is so confident, to withstand whatever situation they seem to be in contact with, Without giving up.

They want a masculine leader, that will tell them what to do. A man that will rule over their life, in a way that it would seem easier and comfortable enough, do live in.

And on the other hand, they want all these, to emerge as a result of your effort, and your commission.

However, so many women will be desperate to get your validation, when you seem so confident enough, in making a decision they would adhere to.

Women, on the other hand, will continually try to dominate you by making you feel undesirable to other women to gain power over you, and it will appear easy to do so if you frequently agree to her terms and conditions.

if they meanwhile, succeed you will be subjected to undermining and disrespect, which will cause them to lose interest in you immediately, regardless of how attractive you are to her.

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