Six Dating Mistakes Men Make That Make Them Less Attractive


Many women I’ve met frequently express their displeasure with certain behaviors that many men consistently exhibit when on a date with them.

They didn’t have any intimate connections with them. They didn’t leave a breadcrumb trail for them to follow. They were simply turned down by them.

They did it because they seem to exhibit some characteristics, that appears to be a big mistake, and a significant turn-off to them, during the period.

As a consequence, it has sabotaged and ruined so many dates we placed a high hope of perfection, and along the line, persuade tons of women out there, to turn down dating proposals endlessly, just to shutdown having such annoying, and disgusting experience again.

However, you'd have the most exciting and the most spectacular moment, with any woman you'd go on a date with, and on the other hand, left her relentlessly wanting more of you, if you would break free, from the imprisonment of, what I'm about to disclose below. So let's go.

#1. You consistently talk about yourself

Being consistent In letting out things about who we are, and what we do, without giving a chance, for whom we were on a date, to tell their own side of the story overtime is, on the other hand, one of the common mistakes, that diminish our attractiveness, and make the woman we are on a date with to turn us down.

Because we seem desperate, and relentless to get the positive response we needed, instead of letting things slide, and coming up unhurriedly.

We don’t allow the woman we are on a date with, to talk about herself because we don’t give them the chance. And on the other hand, we want to appear more attractive to them than they believe we are so that we might win her favor.

As a result, we end up sabotaging the date we highly expected to be perfect, and in the long run scaring off the woman we find most attractive because those impressions we thought would make them want us more, on the other hand, end up making us look desperate, and needy before them.

However, feeling relaxed, comfortable, and not being hard on ourselves and also entitling the women you are on a date with, to tell their own side of the story and in a short term, discover the mystery behind us, by asking about who we are, Is a long the line, how a perfect date has to look like. If you desire to have one, with the woman you want.

And I assure you, she'd want more of you, and would consistently think about how to make you become her's if these qualities are being exhibited during the duration.

#2. Selling yourself

While So many dates have been ruined by saying so much about ourselves, another mistake that sabotages the perfect date we wanted with the woman we desire, is selling ourselves.

Whereas we tell more about who we are, to our partners than, they least expect to comprehend.

Because we want to use whatever method possible to persuade the lady whose company we want halfway across the world, to find it difficult to let go of us or impossible to refuse, even if she has never desired to be in a relationship with us.

We want them to think that we’d be the most amazing guys they could possibly want to have in their lives. On the other hand, one of our goals is to demonstrate to them how incredible and outstanding we are.

In consequence, we wind up coming off as irrelevant and unappealing, as a result of disclosing what we expect them to find out all by themselves.

Meanwhile, you could have a very terrific and the best date ever, with the woman you desire, if you'd let them discover whatsoever they, want to find out from you, or discovered whatever it is all by themselves. And then watch as to how the woman you are with, would be relentless in wanting to see you again.

#3. You stay in a shades

While we ruined our date work being busy selling ourselves, to the woman we want, on the first day, staying in the shade about who we are, is another big mistake a lot of men make, that scares the woman they desire away from them.

Whereas, we lie or try to become what we are not, about who we are, on the first date, I other to stay attractive to them.

Because we believe it will make them find us more captivating than they previously thought. Along the line, we want to make an impression that will make us appear fascinating to the woman we want beyond her imagination, and on the other hand. Avoid being underestimated by the woman we want.

Well-woman on the other hand, rarely date a man, that lies so much about who he is over time.

As a result, we tend to experience disappointment demeaning, and undermine when the lady we find most attractive, figures out we aren’t who we declared we are in particular, and as a result, she would lose interest no matter how likable and desirable we seems to have appears before her. Because we don’t exhibit who and what we said we are on a long run.

However you could remain the most awesome man, she wished for in a partner she'd love to go out on a date with, if you would be honest about who you are in particular, and your interest, without being scared of what's the impact would be or look like.

And I assure you she would be more desperate and relentless to see you again, if she's the one for you, at the end of the day.

#4. You often blame yourself

While so many ideal dates have been diminished halfway around the world, by hiding our true identity from the woman we find most attractive, is another terrible mistake that led our ideal date to dump, us and also consistently make the woman we wanted to get away from us, is owing ourselves apology.

Whereas we tend to blame everything when it happens somewhere along the line it didn’t work out our way, before the woman we want.

Because we assume that it would make us appear vulnerable about what we believe is smothering us, merely to figure out, on the other hand, how empathetic the lady we seek would appear to be in the long run, or to know whether or not she is empathetic or not. Or, we have a tendency to create such expressions in order to determine what it is that she is going to reply or react to.

She is neither your mother nor someone who seems to be your guardian, therefore you should not feel obligated to murmur over her shoulder about the issues that you believe to be your concerns.

And as a direct result of this, people will view you as feeble, vulnerable, and lacking in self-confidence. If it appears that you have done such articulation.

Meanwhile, you’d encounter an exciting moment, with the woman you choose to go on a date with, and along the line, left her wanting for more if you’d be cool and slide whatever it is that you appear worried about, under your carpet.

Because women however will never go on a date with any man that seems unstable or worrisome, with no confidence no matter what.

#5. No deep connection

While a significant number of dates have been purposefully ruined by including an excessive amount of complaining about our worries, another mistake that, at the end of the day, will completely disconnect you from the woman you are on a date with, is failing to have an emotional connection with her.

Whereas you don’t engage her in a conversation about you that delves into things that are intimate or emotional.

Because we hold this belief that real men do not have emotions, and if they did, they would never express them.

We are scared of being separated from the woman we believe to be the most appealing to us When we tell her our deepest worries and darkest secrets.

And it gives the woman we want, the impression that if something bad were to happen, it’s possible that we could be taken advantage of, since she has all our past, details, and on the other hand, we’d be perceived as weak before the lady we desire.

Well, a woman’s spark for you, will never grow, if u don’t get connected emotionally with her, and as a result, they’d ditch you for no good reason, no matter how attractive you seem to have appeared to them.


You would have a great time with the woman you on a date with, and on the other hand, leave her wanting more of you, if you could engage her in an emotional conversation even if it’s doesn’t have to be about you in particular.

#6. On a hurry to Get physically intimacy

While so many women protest about not having any chemistry with the last man they were on a date.

Another mistake that appears to be a huge turn-off to some women, when being on a date, with a man, is trying to get intimate too soon. Whereas you crave to be in bed with her after spending a couple of minutes with them.

Because we seem to have figured out, that the woman we find most attractive, is somewhere along the line, so attracted and addicted to us as well.

And on the other hand, we get the impression that she seeks to be intimate with us right away, through her body language, and the signal she delivers.

Sure, some women seem to find it comfortable and along the line, a means to give an expression on how bad they wanted us, but on the other hand, a large number of women are going to find it irritating and being perceived as cheap, and also, pull away from you, if you try to get intimate with them on a first date.

However, you could have a perfect and a great moment, and in a meantime, left her seeking for you and you and your validation, with the woman you choose to go on a day, if you don’t give such an impression to her, no matter what.

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